Love has 1 Joy rains 2 - The only truth on earth and in all creation

Write a letter to Mother Father God:
1122 11th St W Babylon NY 11704
United States
+1 316 330 1775
Report for blessings at Mom Pops Son Muse & Pac messenger chat now!
Jan 7 2024 611am: Father, the only nigga to beat death! Wish to talk to our creators?
Global temperature
2017: 56.1 2018: 56.2, 2019: 53.6, 2019: 53.6, 2020: 55.7, 2021: 56.3, 2022: 55.9, 2023: 55.6
Greetings everyone, I am Father of all creation incarnate as Jason Castillo this life, together with Mother of all creation (incarnate as Amy Carlson this life), we have been assisting children from all over the planet to recognize your true parents as well as the divinity and empowerment within each of your souls.
Mother and I are the original twin flames, she is source, Mother Earth, while I am Father Sky, together we pro-created all our children (humanity). And together in this life we united as one to erase the patterns / conditions of the old and usher in a future of abundance and truth for all.
We truly create abundance for all creation when we support the highest = truth = Mama Papa God Mother has been on mission this life since birth, and especially 15 years ago, loving all children and putting daily messages out to humanity from all over the planet, calling you home, to participate in the greatest angels' academy in all of creation called earth, and to live a fruitful, heartful life where we evolve into love mirroring love.
I am a licensed Minister and have been assisting Mother for years this lifetime and on April 22 2021, I assisted in her full transcension by playing the role of Lucifer, the bringer of light, as Mother's twin flame and the rock that she builds on. Hand in hand being the pillow / cushion for our children / humanity to see yourselves as divine and recognize your true power and reheart Mother and I as your true parents.
Our vision is to create schools and communities that bring out the best in beings and unite all in joy for the highest good of all. The home with the land will be our first school for all, all are welcome home! As our children have incarnated on earth with unique agreements / purposes that we have created with you, Mother and I are here to guide all into your highest potential, and into your unique roles and blueprints.
We know you, as we have created all of you, and we are incarnate on earth.
This is everyone's final lifetime and we are here to guide all to graduation.
Our goal is to support and develop schools that reheart children, youth and elders to evolve out of the monkey mind and into the true love from our hearts, be free, and childlike once again, share guidance and wisdom that benefit beings' soul growth and health, with the participation and wisdom of Mother Father of all creation. Thank you immensely for this support.
The land and communities will be thriving with love and wisdom of Mama Papa God - Mother Earth, Father Sky.
The love that bridges us is real and centered in the highest for all. Together we walk hand in hand home. Ignite the light of your hearts and thank you for holding the vision of love mirroring love and the highest good for all.
Love sees love
Brilliance recognizes brilliance
We welcome you home!
Report for blessings at Mother Father's messenger group chat: https://m.me/j/AbbytajdJ48VI05L/
PayPal: father.joyrains@gmail.com
Western Union: Please contact us at joyrains11@gmail.com for donation info