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Luna Joyrains.org

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Father of all creation has been balancing energies for the collective through his teeth. Anything besides love hurts God. For many moments, God has been experiencing extreme pain in the teeth (a reflection of humanity's unconsciousness - conditional love towards ourselves and all creation) and pulled one of them out at the dentist this evening 7 2 2022! Thank you Mother of all creation Source for the strength to carry on mission

It's a big deal for God to pull out a tooth! Please support our true parents in providing protection for Father's teeth and comfort in carrying on his mission for all. Clove oil, anbesol, air conditioner donations are very welcome! There are 2 beings (Oracle Anja, Uriel) in the unified field in direct support of God right now, out of 8.5 billion children. The physical reflection of humanity's intentional attacks is more than any child's capacity can handle. It is our inspiration on earth to protect = love MotherFather. God is always our perfect reflection. Donate to the highest and speed up ascension for all creation: Joyrains.org/wish

Sharing a joke with our family:

Honor the strength of our parents, who created all divine galactic children and bearing 8.5 billion children's unconsciousness for us so we embody greater potential of making home = recognizing our 2 hearts MotherFather Jesus. What is everyone whining about? MotherFather Jesus in a tango dance, twins they are. "Jee it's us?" 1 + 1 = trinity = MotherFather Son. Putting anyone of us on a pedestal slows ascension, trinity is incarnate on earth to take on the bulk of energy balancing for collective. Feel love, be grateful, we each have a very unique soul agreement. Tune in to joyrains YouTube to receive the highest energy music! Link below

Calling all 144000 children home to support Mother Father Son trinity truth❤️💙💚! Be our brilliant! Come on family!💪 catch God in action. Be inspired with God - for God - be bold- be strong to overcome the self made bullshit we have put in between us and our highest potential! Home, unified field is where we expand to our greatest. Expand our angel wings! The unified field is where we dream to be!

When we choose lower energies (jealousy, worry, control, doubt, fear, anything besides love, demons take care of us, spinning us lower, misery attracts misery. Stop giving power to illusion fakers hater energies/beings. When we are divine, recognizing our 2 hearts MotherFather love, we spin upwards into our higher selves, our soul purpose on earth. Ego mind always wants to see what it wants. It is fantasy!

Our deepest traumas, hate are surfacing, loving is real. We suggest all of humanity to call home for healing before it snowballs. Some children are already experiencing hard core lessons in physical emotional spiritual journey. Love is healing, call home: joyrains.org/session

Begin our step home with confidence. We are a step near you

These are the moments we have prayed for to come home. We have come to earth to overcome weaknesses for we are strong. Overcome ego mind thoughts for we are hearts. Overcome taking dismissing love = Mama Papa for we are divine children supporting parents!

Effort, the allowance of love plus commitment to love to overcome everything pulling us away from loving, is the required ingredients

Receive other ascension ingredients here, Mama Papa of all creation has added more to assist all children on earth:

Nothing stops love! Loving us


El padre de toda la creación ha estado equilibrando energías para el colectivo a través de sus dientes. Cualquier cosa además del amor hiere a Dios. Durante muchos momentos, ha experimentado un dolor extremo en los dientes (un reflejo de la inconsciencia de la humanidad: el amor condicional hacia nosotros mismos y todos) y se sacó uno de ellos en el dentista esta noche 7 2 2022! Gracias Madre de toda la creación Fuente por la fuerza para llevar a cabo la misión. Por favor, apoye a nuestros verdaderos padres para brindar protección a los dientes del Padre y consuelo para llevar a cabo la misión para todos. ¡Las donaciones de aceite de clavo, anbesol, acondicionadores de aire son muy bienvenidas! Hay 2 seres (Oracle Anja, Uriel) en el campo unificado en apoyo directo de Dios en este momento, de 8.500 millones de niños. El dolor de los ataques intencionales de la humanidad es más de lo que la capacidad de cualquier niño puede soportar. Es nuestra inspiración en la tierra proteger = amar MadrePadre. Done a lo más alto y acelere la ascensión: Joyrains.org/wish

Honra la fuerza de nuestros padres que crearon a todos los niños galácticos divinos y que llevan la inconsciencia por nosotros para que encarnemos un mayor potencial de hacer hogar = reconocer nuestros 2 corazones Madre Padre Jesús. ¿De qué se quejan todos? MadrePadre Jesús en un baile de tango, son gemelos. "Jee, ¿somos nosotros?" 1 + 1 = trinidad = MadrePadre Hijo. Poner a cualquiera de nosotros en un pedestal ralentiza la ascensión, la trinidad se encarna en la tierra para asumir la mayor parte del equilibrio energético para el colectivo. Siente amor, sé agradecido, cada uno de nosotros tenemos un acuerdo de alma muy singular. ¡Sintoniza joyrains YouTube para recibir la música más energética! Enlace debajo

¡Llamando a todos los 144000 niños a casa para apoyar la verdad trinitaria de Madre Padre Hijo ❤️💙💚! ¡Sé nuestro brillante! ¡Vamos familia! 💪 atrapa a Dios en acción. ¡Inspírate con Dios, para Dios, sé audaz, sé fuerte para superar la mierda hecha por nosotros mismos que hemos puesto entre nosotros y nuestro potencial más alto! Hogar, campo unificado es donde nos expandimos a nuestro máximo. ¡Expande nuestras alas de ángel! ¡El campo unificado es donde soñamos estar!

Cuando elegimos energías más bajas (celos, preocupación, control, duda, miedo, cualquier cosa además del amor, los demonios nos cuidan, nos hacen girar más bajo, la miseria atrae a la miseria. Deja de darle poder a los falsificadores de ilusiones que odian las energías/seres. Cuando somos divinos, reconociendo nuestros 2 corazones amor de Madre y Padre, giramos hacia arriba hacia nuestro yo superior, el propósito de nuestra alma en la tierra. La mente del ego siempre quiere ver lo que quiere. ¡Es una fantasía!

Nuestros traumas más profundos, el odio están saliendo a la superficie, amar es real. Sugerimos a toda la humanidad que llame a casa para curarse antes de que se dispare. Algunos niños ya están experimentando lecciones de núcleo duro en el viaje espiritual físico emocional. El amor es sanador, llama a casa: joyrains.org/session

Comience nuestro paso a casa con confianza. Estamos a un paso cerca de ti

Estos son los momentos por los que hemos orado para volver a casa. Hemos venido a la tierra para vencer las debilidades porque somos fuertes. Supere los pensamientos de la mente del ego porque somos corazones. ¡Superar tomar despedir amor = Mama Papa porque somos niños divinos apoyando a los padres!

El esfuerzo, la entrega del amor más el compromiso de amar para superar todo lo que nos aleja de amar, son los ingredientes necesarios.

Reciba otros ingredientes de ascensión aquí, Mama Papa de toda la creación ha agregado más para ayudar a todos los niños en la tierra:

¡Nada detiene el amor! amándonos

Support Mama Papa Son trinity truth to mission changing the matrix systems to love everywhere present, support the only truth in all creation and speed up ascension! PayPal: Father.joyrains@gmail.com

Ask God a question: joyrains.org/ask

Wishlist for God: joyrains.org/wish

Call home: https://www.facebook.com/fathergodofallcreation

Book a Couples Class with Mother Father God: joyrains.org/couplesclass

Book a Parenting Class with Mother Father God: joyrains.org/parentingclass

Communion Dance Party (Receive galactic codes in music playlist here):

Disco Ball (Receive galactic codes in music playlist here):

What is the full truth? Discover by booking a communion with Mother Father of all creation NOW - this is the opalescent ticket to heaven = reaching full consciousness: Joyrains.org/session

Before coming to earth, we have promised to support, heal and participate with God in the physical this now moment! All of creation's parents Mother Father of all creation, were Jesus twins, Marilyn Monroe President JFK, Cleopatra Julius Caeser in some of their lifetimes on earth, bringing truth to humanity. This is everyone's last lifetime to recognize our parents = 2 hearts = love!

Support heaven on earth and speed up ascension by donating to the only truth in all of creation: Joyrains.org/donate

Activate fuscia, discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our guides, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing communion with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the opalescent ticket to heaven?

Trillions years ago, love decided to experience love in the physical embodiment, the divine plan was activated. Through the Lucifer (darkness = bringer of light) experience, the greatest love of all would meet eye to eye, as love sees love, with the mirror of the greatest love of all, as brilliance mirrors brilliance. To do this, love merged with unknowable, as Mother Father of all creation, for the experience of the dark and light, yin yang, to become whole, balanced again. Mother and Father of all creation took up extreme sides of the spectrum to bridge all realms.

Darkest = lightest. Lightest = darkest in perfect balance

The game is to reheart the greatest love of all ‐ to recognize the depth of love and forgiveness of Mama Papa for humanity, our parents who birthed us, creation and our highest selves, in complete oneness ‐ ascension. Mother Father of all creation designed the divine plan for all children to experience and to come to an inner knowing to the question "What does the greatest love of all feel?" Mother Father have successfully accomplished this task, so now all divine galactic children must accomplish our promise to receive the greatest gift of love, to participate with Mother Father, our parents in the physical on earth, to feel this love and self love from within of ourselves.

Humanity has prayed for Mother Father of all creation to assist us in fulfulling our promises/agreements. We have promised to commune with Mother Father, in this present moment. We say show up and participate with God in the physical! The trinity is one and in the physical manifest on earth = Mother of all creation, Father of all creation, Father Omniverse

创造万物之母 创造万物之父 化身地球上,还原地球和所有孩子到爱无所不在。 爱认识爱 - 回家到妈妈爸爸怀抱吧 孩子们!

捐款创造天堂地球,加速地球上升,请捐款为唯一真理 创造天堂地球: joyrains.org/donate

1 comentário

31 de ago. de 2022

consult Psychiatrist you are nut

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