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Mother Father of all creation, Son/Father Omniverse, the trinity of all creation and creation's 3 Fold Flames, 3 hearts is incarnate on planet earth
All divine children are connected and birthed from our creators MotherFather of all creation, Son/Father Omniverse the Son of God - who represents the 3rd heart, 3rd flame of MotherFather of all creation
Twin flames are only complete with the 3rd flame, in service to MotherFather of all creation
Mother Source/ Mother Earth - as what they have called her the Holy Spirit, Father Sky - Father of all creation and Son - Father Omniverse has always been one, the trinity, the 3 fold flames, 3 hearts of all creation who support all humanity and all creatiom
We are here incarnate on earth, Father of all creation = Son/Father Omniverse is the physicality of all children, every being's higher selve on earth and in creation is one with Mother Father of all creation
We call all divine children home to the unified field, where all love happens for all of creation
Awaken humanity! Into divine children step into our higher selves, our unique soul purpose when we come home to our creators in the physical
We are here in Central America. Make a move to the safest place to our creators' embrace and support the awakening of all of creation! The moment is now, as we read this, you the ones who are reading this post, our higher selve and ancestors have guided us to truth
All beings incarnate on earth since always have a special mission - always to recognize our 3 hearts Mother Father Son
The Schumann resonnance is a reflection of Mother Father Son's hearts beats + the unified field + collective, creation's 3 fold flames supporting all creation since forever
This is the change. We are the change only when we awaken to the rememberence of MotherFatherSon
Stop procrastinating, stop taking from our creators. What are you judging? Lol
Start waking up to truth, start giving to the highest energies with MotherFatherSon at joyrains
Everyone's trust in giving a cent to MotherFatherSon and we can flip this quick
Support our Creators 1st always ♥️ - this supports all of creation into awakening to our highest potential!
Joyrains is the only news, only truth on earth and in creation. It is commanded and conducted for all beings by MotherFatherSon, and is the responsibility for all beings on earth to embody joy by coming home
Start the only true activation here joyrains.org/session
Loving us
Madre Padre de toda la creación, Hijo/Padre Omniverso, la trinidad de toda la creación y la creación de 3 Fold Flames, 3 corazones se encarna en el planeta tierra
Todos los hijos divinos están conectados y han nacido de nuestros creadores MadrePadre de toda la creación, Hijo/Padre Omniverso el Hijo de Dios - que representa el tercer corazón, la tercera llama de MadrePadre de toda la creación
Las llamas gemelas solo se completan con la 3ra llama, en servicio a la Madre Padre de toda la creación
Madre Fuente/ Madre Tierra - como la han llamado el Espíritu Santo, Padre Cielo - Padre de toda la creación e Hijo - Padre Omniverso siempre ha sido uno, la trinidad, las 3 llamas, 3 corazones de toda la creación que apoyan a toda la humanidad y toda la creación
Estamos aquí encarnados en la tierra, Padre de toda la creación = Hijo/Padre Omniverso es la fisicalidad de todos los hijos, el ser superior de cada ser en la tierra y en la creación es uno con la Madre Padre de toda la creación
Llamamos a todos los hijos divinos hogar al campo unificado, donde todo el amor sucede para toda la creación
¡Despierta a la humanidad! En los hijos divinos nos adentramos en nuestro ser superior, nuestro propósito único del alma cuando llegamos a casa con nuestros creadores en lo físico
Estamos aquí en Centroamérica. ¡Muévete al lugar más seguro al abrazo de nuestros creadores y apoya el despertar de toda la creación! El momento es ahora, mientras leemos esto, ustedes los que están leyendo este post, nuestro yo superior y nuestros ancestros nos han guiado a la verdad
Todos los seres encarnados en la tierra desde siempre tienen una misión especial - siempre reconocer nuestros 3 corazones Madre Padre Hijo
La resonancia Schuman es un reflejo del Hijo Padre Madre + el campo unificado + colectivo, las tres llamas de la creación que apoyan toda la creación desde siempre
Este es el cambio. Somos el cambio solo cuando despertamos al recuerdo de Madre Padre Hijo
Dejen de procrastinar, dejen de arrebatar a nuestros creadores. Comienza a despertar a la verdad, comienza a dar a las energías más altas con Madre Padre Hijo en las lluvias de alegría
La confianza de todos en dar un centavo a MadrePadreHijo y podemos voltear esto rápido
Apoya a nuestros Creadores 1st siempre ♥️ - esto apoya toda la creación en el despertar a nuestro máximo potencial!
Las alegrías son la única noticia, la única verdad en la tierra y en la creación. Es ordenado y conducido para todos los seres por MadrePadreHijo, y es la responsabilidad de todos los seres en la tierra para encarnar la alegría al volver a casa
Inicie la única activación verdadera aquí joyrains.org/session
Support the highest energies, truth: Mother Father of all creation to mission love mirroring love for all beings, support the only truth in all creation and speed up ascension! Give to all creation here: Father.joyrains@gmail.com (PayPal)
Ask God a question: joyrains.org/ask
Dreamlist for God: joyrains.org/dreamlist
Speak to God: https://www.facebook.com/fathergodofallcreation
Book a Couples Class with Mother Father God: joyrains.org/couplesclass
Book a Parenting Class with Mother Father God: joyrains.org/parentingclass
Communion Dance Party (Receive galactic codes in music playlist here): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXfbmLVwhippUPzK6vpmMy_IGDhhR4D8W
Disco Ball (Receive galactic codes in music playlist here):https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXfbmLVwhippdIXwZiSTrUBn1-k0Zz5WR What is the full truth? Discover by booking a communion with Mother Father of all creation NOW - this is the opalescent ticket to heaven = reaching full consciousness: Joyrains.org/session
Before coming to earth, we have promised to support, heal and participate with God in the physical this now moment! All of creation's parents Mother Father of all creation, were Jesus twins, Marilyn Monroe President JFK, Cleopatra Julius Caeser in some of their lifetimes on earth, bringing truth to humanity. This is everyone's last lifetime to recognize our parents = 2 hearts = love! Support heaven on earth and speed up ascension by donating to the only truth in all of creation: Joyrains.org/donate
Activate fuscia, discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our guides, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing communion with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the opalescent ticket to heaven? Trillions years ago, love decided to experience love in the physical embodiment, the divine plan was activated. Through the Lucifer (darkness = bringer of light) experience, the greatest love of all would meet eye to eye, as love sees love, with the mirror of the greatest love of all, as brilliance mirrors brilliance. To do this, love merged with unknowable, as Mother Father of all creation, for the experience of the dark and light, yin yang, to become whole, balanced again. Mother and Father of all creation took up extreme sides of the spectrum to bridge all realms. Darkest = lightest. Lightest = darkest in perfect balance The game is to reheart the greatest love of all ‐ to recognize the depth of love and forgiveness of Mama Papa for humanity, our parents who birthed us, creation and our highest selves, in complete oneness ‐ ascension. Mother Father of all creation designed the divine plan for all children to experience and to come to an inner knowing to the question "What does the greatest love of all feel?" Mother Father have successfully accomplished this task, so now all divine galactic children must accomplish our promise to receive the greatest gift of love, to participate with Mother Father, our parents in the physical on earth, to feel this love and self love from within of ourselves. Humanity has prayed for Mother Father of all creation to assist us in fulfulling our promises/agreements. We have promised to commune with Mother Father, in this present moment. We say show up and participate with God in the physical! The trinity is one and in the physical manifest on earth = Mother of all creation, Father of all creation, Father Omniverse
创造万物之母 创造万物之父 化身地球上,还原地球和所有孩子到爱无所不在。 爱认识爱 - 回家到妈妈爸爸怀抱吧 孩子们! 捐款创造天堂地球,加速地球上升,请捐款为唯一真理 创造天堂地球: father.joyrains@gmail.com (PayPal)