If you have not seen this awesome 2014 movie with Adam Sandler called “The Cobbler,” check it out on Netflix, Amazon Video, Vudu, Redbox, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Apple TV and Microsoft Store. It will give you the chance to imagine what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes—a light movie with a plot twist. It is very entertaining, I promise! A cobbler fixes shoes, and talking about fixing, you do not need any fixing because you’re not broken in the eyes of MotherFather God; everything else is an illusion. We have been brainwashed that we are inadequate, damaged, something is wrong with us, etc. if we do not look a certain way or we do not have certain material objects. Our experiences on earth, majority of them, we chose them ourselves; for whatever reasons known or subconscious to us, we made the decision to experience them—like living a particular lifestyle, hanging out with certain people, working at a particular place, living with a specific person, etc. Sure, you can argue that you did not have much of a choice, such as that you’re working as a garbage collector, for instance. But what is wrong with being a garbage collector? I know that many of us still look down at a garbage collector in today’s day and age of AIs and space ships. By putting ourselves in the garbage collector’s shoes, we might remember that the person who collects our garbage is a blue-collar worker who some people think of as being in a low class caste in society. Depending on what part of the world he resides, he may not even receive a handsome salary: tough break! It’s amazing that after all our advancement in medicine, science, technology and the arts, many of us remain barbaric in our thinking and perception of ourselves and others. Yet, a garbage collector is with spirit and a noble, significant part of our society and our world for without him, we will be drowning in stinky piles of rubbish and rubbles that we endlessly generate day-in and day-out. Energetically speaking, a garbage collector gathers dirty and wasted energies, so that we do not get too choked with imbalance, disease and sickness. In today’s world, it is challenging to understand people who are making the least ideal choices and choosing the stinky rubbles or the Dark over the Light over and over again—we could say that it is much easier to go to the Dark as the immense rewards are often instant; unfortunately, they are not eternal, and once you are stuck in the Dark, your lack of peace of mind and hunger become perpetual, and like being in a mob, once you’re in, there’s no way out. Alas! At this time, dispensation is granted by MotherFather God to those who have accumulated internal and external garbage as long as you are willing to RETURN HOME TO GOD, make enormous effort to wash yourself and clean up to return to your authentic self as you were originally created by MotherFather God. Let us reflect on how long we can go on living with the never-ending accumulation of stinky rubbish and rubbles—can we really live this way eternally? YOUR SOUL, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE.
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