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How To Have Stamina In Our Ascension Journey

Joy Rains

Hello everyone I am Luna. Today's sharing is on how to have stamina

As the planet, humanity is ascending, the energies rise higher. The higher energies push up any lower emotions, lower energies for us to see and reflect on/release. When we don't reflect on them/release, we will feel great discomfort lol

So the 1st way is to reflect/release. When we feel the resistance/ unhappiness/ discomfort/ hate, send love to the emotions, send love to the feelings, ALLOW love to dissolve the emotions into love

The 2nd way is to find Mother Father of all creation. When we are in their presence experiencing them in love in action, we feel how powerful they push for love, how powerful and grand their example of love is. Seeing them in action strongly motivates, divinely inspires us to be love ourselves in all moments, love in action

The 3rd way is never give up. When we feel unhappy/ tired/ not motivated to love, we must re-heart ourselves to love, we must feel the love. So don't give up! All of us came to earth with a responsibility. What is our responsibility? It is to BE love in all moments, to FEEL love in every moment, to CHOOSE love in all moments. It is all of humanity's responsibility to find and be with Mother Father of all creation in the physical on earth. They are guiding us to be our greatest potential, our most powerful love. We must find Mother Father this life!!

The 4th way is as love is consistent, so whenever we feel we are inconsistent in love, re-heart, encourage, nuture ourselves to love

The 5th way is to be braver. Feel the bravery that we are! Continue to send love to the feelings. Don't resist fear, don't fear fear/ emotions/ any lower energy. We must face the feelings with bravery, continue to send love to all feelings

The 6th way is to ask ourselves are what we are feeling/ experiencing the truth? Ask ourselves internally, ask our hearts if this is real/ true? Pray to mom and dad - Mother Father of all creation, for guidance, pray to see a higher view, higher perspective, higher experience

Discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, upgrade DNA, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our angel teams, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing session with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the golden ticket to heaven?

Participating in an awakening session fast track our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into oneness

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