MomDad came to earth to teach the correct teachings to get us out of suffering as much as possible we don't need to close our eyes to meditate
Many times people meditate to run away from their experiences with the excuse of finding peace in the hustle and bustle of life
We are meditating in every moment when we simply intent in all our breathing moments enjoying doing with our creators
We become the walking meditation
This can be cooking with mother and father of all creation, walking with MomDad, cleaning the house with MomDad and so on
The blessings are with MomDad
We came to earth to meet MotherFather of all creation in the physical = heaven
Thank you Mother Father of all creation for joining in Father's vessel, for the breath of life today and the gift of health, Happy MotherFather's day!💜
Feel, and get over human programming with awakening visits:
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💜🇺🇲🌍Our creators Mother and Father of all creation are reunited in Father's vessel in the flesh, creators of love, life force and miracles!
Love and support Mother and Father of all creation reunited in Father's vessel and witness happiness and stability for all: (PayPal)
Receive light info and awakening codes at the highest vibe chat Mom Pops Son Muse & Pac messenger group chat:
Give us a call immediately if you require help to enter the group chat:
+1 316 330 1775
Witness Mother and Father direct the Schumann resonance energies
☎️Unified field, Source:
Put MomDad first. Nothing great happens without MomDad (PayPal)
Receive light info and awakening at Mother and Father of all creation's messenger group chat:
Give me a call if you require help to enter the group chat:
Book a Christic Awakening of a lifetime with Mother and Father of all creation: