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MD say we CAN when others say we can't, MD says YES when others say no.


Mother and father provides us with the loving energy and supportive attitude of YES we CAN and we WILL and we DO when others say no or I can't.

Like in the biblical days of when Jesus turned water into wine, miracles were and still are a natural expression of consciousness.

Sometimes on the spiritual journey we can be faced with such great challenge, trials and tribulations and at times it can seem impossible to see how our hearts dreams will come into manifestation.

This is where the loving support of mother and father comes in to help us, like a lucky charm - a four leaf clover they tuck in your hearts pocket that keeps the light of love and flame of hope alive, where ALL IS POSSIBLE.

In times of challenge when you need help in moving forward ask for help, prayer to mom and dad. Do the work, align your self, stay in your heart, and wait for the clearing and realignment to happen.

To embodied your highest frequency timeline is a must in this lifetime for the greater good of humanitie upliftment and ascension transformation.

TRUST in your hearts unfolding. When there is a will there is a way through the obstacles and challenges life can present mother and father are here to help you.

Let creations greatest love story be your guide.


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