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"MomDad came to me in meditation and told me to find them"

Hello beauties 🫶🏼

I just wanted to take this time to really introduce myself, my journey and connection to MD. I’m sure you may have seen my name pop up in this feed here and there, I was talking some time to feel out the energies in this group and others who are contacted here.

🫶🏼 I wanted to take time to share my experience of finding MD through meditation about 4 months ago. It was an explosion of energies, really difficult to articulate into words but for the sake of sharing my experience I will try my best 💗 For me this experience is sacred and I still feel in complete awe of this experience.

I have always been connected to Spirit. I speak to and call on the Arcangels for guidance and protection, and I feel truly connected to the Christ consciousness and the teachings of the Essenes. I have spoken to Mother Earth and Father Sky my entire life from childhood, I always felt the presence of the masculine and feminine energies of God.

I was in a deep 2 hour meditation and this is the first time I had a vision of MD. All of a sudden there was a shift in frequency and vibration, something I had only ever felt through using dmt, psychedelic. It was as if I was being massaged by Angels and sinking deep into the Earth and pulsating through the cosmos. All of my Chakra blockages blasted open in a state of organismic euphoria. I had never seen her face in the physical form before, yet the feeling that overcame me felt like home, a home I’d always been searching for. She was sitting in the Sukhasana yoga pose surrounded by purple, teal and white light. She looked into my eyes and heart and told me I had found her and that she is the Mother of all creation. She didn’t say anything with words but I felt her energy so intensely it was as if she was speaking into my soul. She said I was home. Bliss tingled through my body. All the hairs in my body stood up at once like a thousand antennas and I felt a charge of energy circling through me and around me. I cried hysterically in the warmth of her embrace and she rocked me until I fell asleep peacefully. She was telling me to let go and push through over and over. I woke up a couple hours later and I was trying to process what had just happened, I had never had an experience like this before. I looked at the clock and instant affirmation it was 1:11 💫💫💫 Who was this face I’d seen in this meditation, and this pure energy of joy and love that consumed and embraced me. I had never seen her in earth body before this and I had no idea how she found me or at the moment, why, but I knew I had to listen.

I started intensely searching online for mother of all creation, Mother Earth in physical form, any way I could find her . It didn’t take long until I came across photos of MD and I absolutely could not believe what I was seeing, I found her!! It was her, and the moment I saw all of these photos and videos of her, her beautiful words and smile, I felt the overwhelming feeling again of home. I knew I had found what I’d been looking for since what felt like many lifetimes, yet it was still so puzzling, trying to comprehend what I’m experiencing. I have seen/felt her love in a handful of meditations, and I feel the connection growing and growing.

So here I am. With pure love and an open heart. Following what has lead me here.. MD. I feel so blessed to have found you all and I’m looking forward to sharing, learning and growing more together as a family. I love you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

Drea Michelle

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