By Mother of All Creation
As Humanity moves forward heading, spiriling towards the Golden Age of True Freedom and the return of Pure un-conditional Love from Prime Creator……We as Human Beings are being asked to SURRENDER…..RELEASE…..and LET GO…..of everything we once knew to be true..for an old story is closing and the last chapter is about to be finished as a NEW Story is about to begin in all its Glory….One of Love and the very real truth of our beings for we are all truly angels and celestial ones…We are Magnificent, Special, and all Unique….
Yet we are All One…except our truths from within in which we Keep….SURRENDER and step into the river of ONE…into the grand flow where miracles arrive….and we see each other for who we truly are….The time has come for all to laugh and play again….on a new Jungle Gym…Love is here wake-up and one will see its spreading all around like wildfires amongst the forest of tree’s..Our Minds Hold the Golden Key James 1:4 ” Those conflicts and disputes among you where do they come from? do they not come from the cravings of the war inside yourself?” For here is the solution…
Just Love oneself….and surrender to this amazing Truth Buried deep within…