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Joy Rains

Energy Report: See Us @ Zero Point Haha!

We are at zero point in the unified field, with God in the physical. All are welcome to experience, expand and heal in the greatest angels academy. Simply call home:

Captain America is taking on America, he is capable of flipping the worst programming and hate for Mother and or Father in the USA with both gentle + powerful vibrations. Moon, assassin, Yin Guan Guan Yin the Chinese God will assist

Father Omniverse, twin flame of Mother of all creation is Captain America, the completion of the trinity, is Christ, our bodies shifting to crystalline vessels. Mother Source is in every thing, Father of all creation, Mother's twin flame is with every thing, is all elementals, all crystals. There are countless crystals and elements on planet earth despite what the periodic table shows. Haha! Children of Mother Father our creators are Goddesses and Gods when we choose every moment to embody our higher potentials / higher selves

Father of all creation asks the crystal children Hannah and Ylliam to go out to play where the unified field is, the safest place on earth. Enjoy! Relax 'parents', as the only true and only parents Mother Father of all creation say to the crystal children Enjoy! Play! The children are crystal children as they demand a lot of the parents lol - all beings hold dark and light. The key is to accept both and be balance

Most divine galactic children have forgotten our promise to support Mother Father of all creation when we came to earth. The key is simple, yet as big as the veils we allow ourselves to be in - we are here to reheart, recall our parents again, our hearts already know. We have forgotten, be truthful to admit we have forgotten haha!

Support Mother Father God first and the collective receives more blessings! The givers of blessings got to be supported and celebrated for more blessings given, get it? Get it. This is ascension, transcending illusions / fantasies to truth. Every fantasy is an opportunity to transcend. Grab it, look at it and say What You Got? I'm a child of Mom and Pops! Haha!

All planets in creation ascend when planet earth transcends illusion! Come home, recognize we have all prayed for our parents Mama Papa of all creation to be here on earth to bring us truth, out of the matrix. Join the unified field, extend zero point field to speed up ascension for all creation!

144,000 love beings created from Mother Father of all creation, hear the call to come home!

Loving us

Support Mama Papa Son trinity truth to mission changing the matrix systems to love everywhere present, support the only truth in all creation and speed up ascension! PayPal:

Ask God a question:

Wishlist for God:

Book a Couples Class with Mother Father God:

Book a Parenting Class with Mother Father God:

Communion Dance Party (Receive galactic codes in music playlist here):

Disco Ball (Receive galactic codes in music playlist here):

What is the full truth? Discover by booking a communion with Mother Father of all creation NOW - this is the opalescent ticket to heaven = reaching full consciousness:

Before coming to earth, we have promised to support, heal and participate with God in the physical this now moment!

Support heaven on earth and speed up ascension by donating to the only truth in all of creation:

Activate fuscia, discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our guides, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing communion with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the opalescent ticket to heaven?

Trillions years ago, love decided to experience love in the physical embodiment, the divine plan was activated. Through the Lucifer (darkness = bringer of light) experience, the greatest love of all would meet eye to eye, as love sees love, with the mirror of the greatest love of all, as brilliance mirrors brilliance. To do this, love merged with unknowable, as Mother Father of all creation, for the experience of the dark and light, yin yang, to become whole, balanced again. Mother and Father of all creation took up extreme sides of the spectrum to bridge all realms.

Darkest = lightest. Lightest = darkest in perfect balance

The game is to reheart the greatest love of all ‐ to recognize the depth of love and forgiveness of Mama Papa for humanity, our parents who birthed us, creation and our highest selves, in complete oneness ‐ ascension. Mother Father of all creation designed the divine plan for all children to experience and to come to an inner knowing to the question "What does the greatest love of all feel?" Mother Father have successfully accomplished this task, so now all divine galactic children must accomplish our promise to receive the greatest gift of love, to participate with Mother Father, our parents in the physical on earth, to feel this love and self love from within of ourselves.

Humanity has prayed for Mother Father of all creation to assist us in fulfulling our promises/agreements. We have promised to commune with Mother Father, in this present moment. We say show up and participate with God in the physical! The trinity is one and in the physical manifest on earth = Mother of all creation, Father of all creation, Father Omniverse

创造万物之母 创造万物之父 化身地球上,还原地球和所有孩子到爱无所不在。 爱认识爱 - 回家到妈妈爸爸怀抱吧 孩子们!

捐款创造天堂地球,加速地球上升,请捐款为唯一真理 创造天堂地球:


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