Good day seekers! Its me, Sheamus, Welcome to another Movie review, today we're taking a deeper look into the movie Passengers with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. We watched this movie in celebration for Moms birthday, I encourage you to watch this movie with a new awareness, even if you've already watched it.
We start the movie on this ship 'Avalon' transporting 5000 people through space, their destination? A planet named Homestead 2, leaving Earth for a new life in a beautiful paradise, the promised land. We see many hibernation pods in the ship, the first person to wake up is Jim, greeted by the ship AI. Reheart yourself, pay attention to everything. Let me bring your attention to the ship itself, it spirals, what does it remind you of? That's right, two things, the milky way galaxy, as well as the double helix, DNA, both of these are significant. 99% of DNA they call "Junk DNA", they say that because modern science has no answer for what that DNA is even used for. DNA holds our blueprint, not just for our bodies but our souls as well. All of our knowledge, all of our lifetimes and every lesson we have ever learned throughout our time in creation is in our DNA, its all about activating it and "Waking up".
You see that red dot? That's where we are right now, earth. In the movie this is Jim's pod that woke him up
In a world where everyone is asleep, Jim wakes up and talks to nothing but Artifical intelligence.
"Waking up", All of us start on earth
Asleep in a way, asleep to our true nature, the true nature of reality, in a world full of programs and Artifical concepts, people saying "its fine" when there's still slavery and whore energy poisoning the world. If we were to gain all this information from birth, our bodies couldn't handle it, we would die. This is the entire purpose of the ego, a diving helmet to introduce learning and subjectivity so we don't drown. Jim in this situation is dad, he knew of the grid before mom came into his life. Jim spent a long time on the ship alone, fending for himself, just like dad did on this earth before he found mom. Jim kept repeatedly trying to find solutions and find a way to fix the challenge he's found himself in, he was a tradesman, he was a fixer. Dad is also the fixer, he's worked many trades during his lifetime as a fixer. Jim starts to see the direness of the situation, he didn't know yet why he woke up, but he was stuck that way for now. So he accepted it and lived on, growing a beard and his hair out, living his life on the ship alone, only talking to Artifical structures that didn't have the same level of awareness that he did (Pay attention).
He lived this way until he found Aurora, another passenger on the ship who was asleep. You could probably guess that Aurora is Mom, though she wasn't asleep before dad found her, when dad finally came home, Mom and Dad being together brought all of creation back together, the light and the dark, Yin and Yang, you cannot have one without the other, you see, as is the universal nature of duality, without darkness we can't have light and without light we cannot have darkness. Before Jim woke up Aurora in the movie, he watched videos of her, studied her, and he questioned it all but did what he was called to do. He woke her up from her hibernation. Dad, before he came home he watched videos of mom, and as he watched those videos he knew he had to come home, which led to him coming home and bringing all of creation together, Mom and dad working together at full capacity and communication. Before Jim woke aurora up, he contemplated opening the airlock door to send himself out to space, to kill himself, he was self-destructive due to the direness of the situation and didn't want to keep living life so alone. Aurora saved Jim, just as Mom saved Dad and allowed him to participate in his role in creation. Everyone makes mistakes to learn from them.
By this point, its just Aurora and Jim on this ship, along with Aurther the android bartender (Angel), and as they got to know eachother they fell in love, though, Jim had already been in love with her. Dad (Jim) went from eating the scraps of the ship to eating gold class food with Mom (Aurora), Mom made dads life more grand and happy. Dad gave mom comfort and true companionship in a world full of sleepers. However, If aurora were to find out that Jim woke her up in the film, there would be consequences, and she did find out, and that resulted in her pushing him away at first. She said he took her life. Like I said before, dad brought home the darkness of humanity. In a way this "Stranded" mom on the "island" as they say in the movie. Though, as we find out later in the movie, if this had never happened and if Jim had just let Aurora sleep, all 5000 people in that ship would've died. This is the sacrifice that they made for all of us, through bringing home the darkness of humanity mom suffered, but she did that so we could be given the power to choose, she took on Humanities darkness and started the process we're in right now with this mass awakening. If not for her doing that, Humanity would still be mostly lost in the tides.
In the movie, its a faulty reactor, here, Mom and dad had to take on this whore energy together, whore energy is what people refer to as "darkness" a lot of the time. whereas darkness is essential, whore energy is a disconnection from god, an aberration. This is the nastiest energy that there is, and this is the one you must watch out for. In the movie, Aurora hits the button to vent the reactor, to start the process, Jim, who is outside of the ship, he has to be the one to hold the vent open for the reactor (Whore) to vent through, using his own body to hold the vent open so it could pass through, you can't make this shit up haha, Mom and dad did the same thing, Dad held the vent open and allowed it to come through his body as well as taking the blame for humanity, and mom initiated the process of taking it on. Sacrificing themselves to save all. After that's all said and done in the movie, Jim presents Aurora with the infirmary bed, saying that he's found a way to return her back into hibernation.
Aurora decides not to, they spend the rest of their days together on the ship, bringing life to the ship, endless plants and water. Mom never truly left, though, this infirmary bed signifies dad holding moms essence inside of him, they share the same vessel currently, Mom in a form of protective physical stasis, yet living on with dad until its time. The ship at the end of the movie will be like how Earth is transitioning into. Life, endless people waking up to the truth despite how impossible it all sounded, just like how they said a hibernation pod failure was impossible, they woke up.
Codes aside, this Movie is Fantastic! Give it a watch or another, I love exploring the complexities of the human condition and I feel like Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence did a great job at portraying it!
"We're passengers, we go where fate takes us" - Aurora
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All Love - Sheamus