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What's Up In The Unified Field With God? 16 March 2022

Joy Rains



16 March 2022

US lockdown



Thank God I'm drinking lol

"AJ (Amy Jason) enjoy your vacation" immediately after this was said on PMS show, phone starts spinning

Grace land

Papa shares that when 2008 crashed, banks jack up interest rates sucking the people when we can announce for each family to shelter one another and their homes. Fuck the idea. It's love

Thunder birds!

235pm Communion dance party starts

Father to Universe "those weight you feel you've lost are filled with love. You're the universe. Sing"

424pm 33%

"When the sun rises from the west I'll stop kicking everyone's ass"

501pm Humanity's Consciousness is at 99%! When Mother of all creation ascended on 22 April 2022, humanity's consciousness was at 0.5%. Father of all creation has raised it to 99% today! Thank you Mama Papa!!!

Papa shares he can hear the ships stopping. They are right here

557pm Music volume went down without physical touch. This is where Father gets his badge

Mom and I stacked these Love's stores for everyone. Put it through the mormons

Pops got 40$ back from gas station after Jehova failed the angel test. Be a man song plays in the background

Father enjoys relish and onions

Big payback

Big pancake flip - The 'devil' (lived) = protector of light = Father of all creation
Holy shit we are fucked lol we fucked slandered our mother, siblings, fucked up everything hey I'm here to forgive ya. Does that hurt? Phone confirm - galactic agrees

Tik Tok message came through: gesara she's kinda cute #3

Father's astrologer Michelle Patterson whom he's been sending energy to for years her message today: 'Final countdown. Don't miss this'

God doesn't take a vacation. I'm retiring and I'm gonna put the best in charge. Hey if you love your parents you can't go wrong

"They have to spin to get their win. Father time"

Got a son-nos drink. Duh lol

They will go from picking their nose to cleaning their hoes

Mom always said pops will get you home

When you say it you've to do it. If not you're a liar

"I'm collecting every wish all your dreams I fix them. I've to flip all your shit. Have you had enough"

"As Jesus, Mom and I wrote on sand. They don't have no shit"


Mobydick the fish

Papa of all creation who is Father Sky creates Vesica Piscis around the moon. The Vesica Piscis forms as we watch in wonder and laughter. An attack came through the VP, Papa clears it. Then the Vesica Piscis becomes a ring

We'd all meet at the alamosa

Beachfront, resting under moon stars


Participating in a communion with Mother Father of all creation, heaven consciousness fast tracks our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into one: Before coming to earth, we have promised to support God in this now moment Activate fuscia, discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our guides, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing communion with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the opalescent ticket to heaven? Trillions years ago, love decided to experience love in the physical embodiment, the divine plan was activated. Through the Lucifer (illusion = bringer of light) experience, the greatest love of all would meet eye to eye, as love sees love, with the mirror of the greatest love of all, as brilliance mirrors brilliance. To do this, love merged with unknowable, as Mother Father of all creation, for the experience of the dark and light, yin yang, to become whole, balanced again. Each were sent to extreme sides of the entire spectrum. Darkest = lightest. Lightest = darkest in perfect balance The game is to reheart the greatest love of all ‐ which is our soul parents who birthed humanity, creation and our highest selves, in complete oneness ‐ ascension. Mother Father of all creation designed the divine plan for all children to experience and to come to an inner knowing to the question "What does the greatest love of all feel?" Mother Father have successfully accomplished this task, so now all starseeds must accomplish to receive our gifts of love, to find Mother Father, our soul parents in the physical on earth, to feel this love and self love from within of ourselves. All starseeds have prayed for Mother Father of all creation to assist us in our promises. Starseeds have promised to commune with Mother Father, in this present moment. We say show up and participate with God in the physical! Mother Father are one and in the physical!Participating in a communion with Mother Father of all creation, heaven consciousness fast tracks our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into one:
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