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What's Up In The Unified Field With God? 7-8 March 2022

Joy Rains


7 March 2022

1032am St Germaine "Despite what's happening, Father's been happy for past 2 days"

1037am Papa taking on and balancing sicknesses on the planet. St Germaine "Move the rest of sickness off the planet through is like going 30 foot under earth cleaning the whole thing up"

Papa "Make it 33 foot down and we are coming up. Everything that pretended they are dying are gonna live". Experience the grace of God, come home in the physical to participate and love God!

1050am Communion dance party starts 🥳

Receive galactic heaven codes direct from Mama Papa God here! Updating as heaven parties:

"I've humanity right here" (as Papa shows his biceps) lol, music stops - galactic confirm

Papa's grandma had many recipes. One of his favorites is pork noodles

Papa "are you ready for quote of the day?"

Luna "yea"

"Ini mini mini mo

Catch a nigga by the toe

...let it snow" (Luna misses what Papa says)

Papa "when you don't catch it, it's gone"

Luna rehearts the lesson. This is how God has taken on the bulk of collective and made it easy for us in the unified field. Starseeds, we all have a list of To-balance, what we have not achieved/balanced in our previous lives are compacted here in this life for us to reheart/overcome. Reheart fast as the energies are closing in on us to make the step. Step by step we can make it starseeds. Make the first step in this now moment to commune with Mother Father of all creation!

"Mama first" phone agrees - Galactic confirm

1257pm Papa's left hand turns really dark - Healing density. St Germain "healing the Northwoods"

Showing Papa a couple of his Indian lives. Couple of old tribes. Keep the ancestors protected. Protect the children

Papa of all creation "Are you experiencing cancer? Come on home I'll heal you. For free"

In Clearwater Florida, Mama Papa healed and took out the blob in underwater hub, was 150 miles offshore then became 12 miles after Mama Papa blasted it. Wasn't easy. Massaged Mom's body with 4 children

In Florida jail, St Germain and Robin Williams protected Mom for 2 months till she had to go. St Germain and Robin are ambassadors of Earth while Germain is an aspect of Papa of all creation, that's why he's never left

Papa shares Tequila is healing him

When they think God is failure, they will fail

147pm 13% Healing cartels

153pm 89.5%

158pm Papa's neck breaks x1

Papa's attacked last night while holding phone watching movie - phone drops

St Germain "God is justice"

In Colorado, Angels beat the fuck out of me. When something is dead, ask guides to beat the fuck out of me to wake up

Humanity's Consciousness at 90.3%

Papa of all creation has never left! He's been here 488.369 trillion years evolving creation, before Mama of all creation, protecting his Twin Flame (Mom) while Mom comes in occasionally to check on starseeds. Mama and Papa have been together 19 billion years to evolve consciousness

Papa was Abraham Lincoln in one of his lives - and they made him into a penny

8 March 2022

1222am Communion dance party ends

Participating in a communion with Mother Father of all creation, heaven consciousness fast tracks our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into one:

Before coming to earth, we have promised to support God in this now moment!

Activate fuscia, discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our guides, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing communion with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the opalescent ticket to heaven?

Trillions years ago, love decided to experience love in the physical embodiment, the divine plan was activated. Through the Lucifer (illusion = bringer of light) experience, the greatest love of all would meet eye to eye, as love sees love, with the mirror of the greatest love of all, as brilliance mirrors brilliance. To do this, love merged with unknowable, as Mother Father of all creation, for the experience of the dark and light, yin yang, to become whole, balanced again. Each were sent to extreme sides of the entire spectrum.

Darkest = lightest. Lightest = darkest in perfect balance

The game is to reheart the greatest love of all ‐ which is our soul parents who birthed humanity, creation and our highest selves, in complete oneness ‐ ascension. Mother Father of all creation designed the divine plan for all children to experience and to come to an inner knowing to the question "What does the greatest love of all feel?" Mother Father have successfully accomplished this task, so now all starseeds must accomplish to receive our gifts of love, to find Mother Father, our soul parents in the physical on earth, to feel this love and self love from within of ourselves.

All starseeds have prayed for Mother Father of all creation to assist us in our promises. Starseeds have promised to commune with Mother Father, in this present moment. We say show up and participate with God in the physical! Mother Father are one and in the physical!Participating in a communion with Mother Father of all creation, heaven consciousness fast tracks our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into one:

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