8 March 2022
5am Papa woke up with body shaking, sweating
730am Papa puked from attacks - anxiety from starseeds
1005am Papa's left wing just went super fast
Receive galactic heaven codes direct from Mama Papa God here! Updating as heaven parties: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXfbmLVwhippUPzK6vpmMy_IGDhhR4D8W
Papa manifested $279 for the team. We love you Mom and Dad!
Tequila green tea
Papa's tik tok message today: German 9 nine. The 9s are the 3s. Pretty good message
The oracles then asked dad to go down. 15 minutes later handed Mama to St Germain and Robin Williams. Daughters start crying dad says stop crying and feel the pulse. 8th day mama was still going
Support love and reflect love every moment for the people around us
St Germain has been with mom and dad every life. He is part of dad and has never left. He shares that Dad puked this morning for transforming, healing darknesses for a male friend
1033am communion dance party starts
When we put feelings and emotions into compassion, there's never a goodbye. Always hello
Papa bought the family and our friend Matthew pizza 🍕 last night. So very grateful Mom and dad! Papa enjoys 10 pieces with ranch lol
216pm Papa's phone tik tok message: When he sniffs it
"When you have your twin flame, your twin flame loves the children, that makes 3"
221pm beautiful solar sun today
Mom showed Papa how to move a hurricane in Kauai. Mom "That's slow" lol
Papa had friends who had pigs. They would knock the fridge down for food lol you have to be a prick to get the pig it's strong
933am Dad named a mountain in Death valley - ascension mountain. Mom named a mountain too. Today we got our 3rd mountain - ascension bay!
Commercial showed a mask. Papa shares that they are used in surgeries and we should never open our bodies. "They forget how to heal that's why mom and I are here to reheart the children"
Matthew, MC of wedding
I only sweat when I've to put things in alignment
Ultimately people would know I'm the banker. Noones stealing from Mama
Matthew treats us to wonderful food that Papa loves: fried chicken, potato shrimp salad, chips, croissant!! We love you brother!
9 March 2022
1206am team laughing with the universal conductor, Mother
1229am 6th crystal done!
Wish the fish - WiFi
211am Medusala is Malkezedak, he knows everything
458am Papa prepares to rest
Participating in a communion with Mother Father of all creation, heaven consciousness fast tracks our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into one: Joyrains.org/session
Before coming to earth, we have promised to support God in this now moment!
Activate fuscia, discover our greatest potential, step in to our full consciousness, reheart our divine missions, rediscover clarity, joy, truth and love, balance energies, clear density, reconnect with our guides, clear ancestral lines, clear blocks by booking an awakening and healing communion with Mother and Father of all creation NOW. Are we ready for the opalescent ticket to heaven?
Trillions years ago, love decided to experience love in the physical embodiment, the divine plan was activated. Through the Lucifer (illusion = bringer of light) experience, the greatest love of all would meet eye to eye, as love sees love, with the mirror of the greatest love of all, as brilliance mirrors brilliance. To do this, love merged with unknowable, as Mother Father of all creation, for the experience of the dark and light, yin yang, to become whole, balanced again. Each were sent to extreme sides of the entire spectrum.
Darkest = lightest. Lightest = darkest in perfect balance
The game is to reheart the greatest love of all ‐ which is our soul parents who birthed humanity, creation and our highest selves, in complete oneness ‐ ascension. Mother Father of all creation designed the divine plan for all children to experience and to come to an inner knowing to the question "What does the greatest love of all feel?" Mother Father have successfully accomplished this task, so now all starseeds must accomplish to receive our gifts of love, to find Mother Father, our soul parents in the physical on earth, to feel this love and self love from within of ourselves.
All starseeds have prayed for Mother Father of all creation to assist us in our promises. Starseeds have promised to commune with Mother Father, in this present moment. We say show up and participate with God in the physical! Mother Father are one and in the physical!Participating in a communion with Mother Father of all creation, heaven consciousness fast tracks our progress in reaching full consciousness and bring us more into one: Joyrains.org/session