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Your Family of Light and the Changes Up Ahead

Joy Rains

Updated: Jul 7, 2024

Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with greed at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.

Now I'm going to go into some stuff that isn't so widely accepted as what I've mentioned above. There's levels of existence that are only beginning to dawn on humanity's consciousness. Knowledge of these has been around since humanity arrived on Planet Earth, but this knowledge has been heavily suppressed. Religions have destroyed and twisted the information, and kept just enough to bait the hook. They knew that if people were conscious of the Higher Realms, the religions would be toast. Nobody would sit there and listen to some guy preach about hell while they experience Heaven all around them. The religions were able to hold back the information for thousands of years, but that's not working anymore. People have been spiritually starving for so long the meager scraps the religions provide no longer satisfy.

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